Source code for qresp

"""Module for QE response calculations.

    In plancklens a QE is often described by a short string.
    For example 'ptt' stands for lensing (or lensing gradient mode) from temperature x temperature.
    Anisotropy source keys are a one-letter string including
        'p' (lensing gradient) 
        'x' (lensing curl) 
        's' (point sources) 
        'f' (modulation field) 
        'a' (polarization rotation)
    Typical keys include then:
        'ptt', 'xtt', 'stt', 'ftt' for the corresponding QEs from temperature only
        'p_p', 'x_p', 'f_p', 'a_p' for the corresponding QEs from polarization only (combining EE EB and BB if relevant)
        'p', 'x', 'f', 'a', 'f' ... for the MV (or GMV) combination
        'p_eb', ... for the EB estimator (this is the symmetrized version  ('peb' + 'pbe') / 2  so that E and B appear each once on the gradient and inverse-variance filtered leg)

    Bias-hardening can be included by inserting '_bh_'. 
        E.g. 'ptt_bh_s' is the lensing TT QE bias-hardened against point source contamination using the 'stt' estimator

    Responses method takes as input the QE weights (typically the lensed CMB spectra) and the filtering cls ('fals')
    which describes the filtering applied to the maps (the :math:`(C + N)^{-1}` operation)
    See *examples/* to see how these are typically calculated for independent or joint temperature and polarization filtering


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import numpy as np
import pickle as pk
from scipy.special import gammaln

from plancklens import utils as ut, utils_spin as uspin, utils_qe as uqe
from plancklens.helpers import mpi, sql

def _clinv(cl):
    ret = np.zeros_like(cl)
    ii = np.where(cl != 0)
    ret[ii] = 1./cl[ii]
    return ret

def get_qes(qe_key, lmax, cls_weight, lmax2=None, transf=None):
    """ Defines the quadratic estimator weights for quadratic estimator key.

        qe_key (str): quadratic estimator key (e.g., ptt, p_p, ... )
        lmax (int): weights are built up to lmax.
        cls_weight (dict): CMB spectra entering the weights (when relevant).
        lmax2 (int, optional): weight on the second leg are built up to lmax2 (default to lmax)

    The weights are defined by their action on the inverse-variance filtered spin-weight $ _{s}\bar X_{lm}$.

    if lmax2 is None: lmax2 = lmax
    if qe_key[0] in ['p', 'x', 'a', 'f', 's']:
        if qe_key in ['ptt', 'xtt', 'att', 'ftt', 'stt']:
            s_lefts= [0]
        elif qe_key in ['p_p', 'x_p', 'a_p', 'f_p']:
            s_lefts= [-2, 2]
            s_lefts = [0, -2, 2]
        qes = []
        s_rights_in = s_lefts
        for s_left in s_lefts:
            for sin in s_rights_in:
                sout = -s_left
                s_qe, irr1, cl_sosi, cL_out =  get_covresp(qe_key[0], sout, sin, cls_weight, lmax2, transf=transf)
                if np.any(cl_sosi):
                    lega = uqe.qeleg(s_left, s_left, 0.5 *(1. + (s_left == 0)) * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float))
                    legb = uqe.qeleg(sin, sout + s_qe, 0.5 * (1. + (sin == 0)) * 2 * cl_sosi)
                    qes.append(uqe.qe(lega, legb, cL_out))
        if len(qe_key) == 1 or qe_key[1:] in ['tt', '_p']:
            return uqe.qe_simplify(qes)
        elif qe_key[1:] in ['te', 'et', 'tb', 'bt', 'ee', 'eb', 'be', 'bb']:
            return uqe.qe_simplify(uqe.qe_proj(qes, qe_key[1], qe_key[2]))
        elif qe_key[1:] in ['_te', '_tb', '_eb']:
            return uqe.qe_simplify(uqe.qe_proj(qes, qe_key[2], qe_key[3]) + uqe.qe_proj(qes, qe_key[3], qe_key[2]))
            assert 0, 'qe key %s  not recognized'%qe_key
    elif qe_key in ['ntt']:
        lega = uqe.qeleg(0, 0, 1   * _clinv(transf[:lmax + 1]))
        legb = uqe.qeleg(0, 0, 0.5 * _clinv(transf[:lmax + 1]))  # Weird norm to match PS case for no beam
        qes = [uqe.qe(lega, legb, lambda L: np.ones(len(L), dtype=float))]
        return uqe.qe_simplify(qes)
    elif qe_key in ['ktt']:
        ls = np.arange(1, lmax + 3)
        dlnDldlnl = ls[:-1] * np.diff(np.log(cls_weight['tt'][ls] * ls * (ls + 1)))
        lega = uqe.qeleg(0, 0, np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float))
        legb = uqe.qeleg(0, 0, 0.5 * cls_weight['tt'][:lmax+1] * dlnDldlnl)
        qes = [uqe.qe(lega, legb, lambda L: -L * (L + 1.))]
        return uqe.qe_simplify(qes)
        assert 0, qe_key + ' not implemented'

def get_resp_legs(source, lmax):
    r"""Defines the responses terms for a CMB map anisotropy source.

        source (str): anisotropy source (e.g. 'p', 'f', ...).
        lmax (int): responses are given up to lmax.

        4-tuple (r, rR, -rR, cL):  source spin response *r* (positive or zero),
        the harmonic responses for +r and -r (2 1d-arrays), and the scaling between the G/C modes
        and the potentials of interest. (for lensing, cL is given by :math:`L\sqrt{L (L + 1)}`).

    if source in ['p', 'x']:
        # lensing (gradient and curl): _sX -> _sX -  1/2 alpha_1 \eth _sX - 1/2 \alpha_{-1} \bar \eth _sX
        return {s : (1, -0.5 * uspin.get_spin_lower(s, lmax), -0.5 * uspin.get_spin_raise(s, lmax),
                     lambda ell : uspin.get_spin_raise(0, np.max(ell))[ell]) for s in [0, -2, 2]}
    if source == 'f': # Modulation: _sX -> _sX + f _sX.
        return {s : (0, 0.5 * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float), 0.5 * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                        lambda ell: np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float)) for s in [0, -2, 2]}
    if source in ['a', 'a_p']: # Polarisation rotation _\pm 2 X ->  _\pm 2 X + \mp 2 i a _\pm 2 X
        ret = {s: (0,  -np.sign(s) * 1j * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                       -np.sign(s) * 1j * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                        lambda ell: np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float)) for s in [-2, 2]}
        ret[0]=(0, np.zeros(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                   np.zeros(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                   lambda ell: np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float))
        return ret

    assert 0, source + ' response legs not implemented'

def get_covresp(source, s1, s2, cls, lmax, transf=None):
    r"""Defines the responses terms for a CMB covariance anisotropy source.

        \delta < s_d(n) _td^*(n')> \equiv
        _r\alpha(n) W^{r, st}_l _{s - r}Y_{lm}(n) _tY^*_{lm}(n') +
        _r\alpha^*(n') W^{r, ts}_l _{s}Y_{lm}(n) _{t-r}Y^*_{lm}(n')

    if source in ['p','x', 'f', 'a', 'a_p']:
        # Lensing, modulation, or pol. rotation field from the field representation
        s_source, prR, mrR, cL_scal = get_resp_legs(source, lmax)[s1]
        coupl = uspin.spin_cls(s1, s2, cls)[:lmax + 1]
        return s_source, prR * coupl, mrR * coupl, cL_scal
    elif source in ['stt', 's']:
        # Point source 'S^2': Cov -> Cov + B delta_nn' S^2(n) B^\dagger on the diagonal.
        # From the def. there are actually 4 identical W terms hence a factor 1/4.
        cond = s1 == 0 and s2 == 0
        s_source = 0
        prR = 0.25 * cond * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float)
        mrR = 0.25 * cond * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float)
        cL_scal =  lambda ell : np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float)
        return s_source, prR, mrR, cL_scal
    elif source in ['ntt', 'n']:
        assert transf is not None
        cL_scal =  lambda ell : np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float)
        assert 0, 'dont think this parametrization works here'
        return s_source, prR, mrR, cL_scal
        assert 0, 'source ' + source + ' cov. response not implemented'

def qe_spin_data(qe_key):
    """Returns out and in spin-weights of quadratic estimator from its quadratic estimator key.

        Output is an integer >= 0 (spin), a letter 'G' or 'C' if gradient or curl mode estimator, the
        unordered list of unique spins (>= 0) input to the estimator, and the spin-1 qe key.

    if qe_key in ['ntt']:
        return 0, 'G', [0], 'n'
    qes = get_qes(qe_key, 10, {k:np.ones(11 + 4, dtype=float) for k in ['tt', 'te', 'ee', 'bb']}) #Hack
    spins_out = [qe.leg_a.spin_ou + qe.leg_b.spin_ou for qe in qes]
    spins_in = np.unique(np.abs([qe.leg_a.spin_in for qe in qes] + [qe.leg_b.spin_in for qe in qes]))
    assert len(np.unique(spins_out)) == 1, spins_out
    assert spins_out[0] >= 0, spins_out[0]
    if spins_out[0] > 0: assert qe_key[0] in ['x', 'p'], 'non-zero spin anisotropy ' + qe_key +  ' not implemented ?'
    return spins_out[0], 'C' if qe_key[0] == 'x' else 'G', spins_in, 'p' if qe_key[0] == 'x' else qe_key[0]

[docs] class resp_lib_simple: r"""QE responses calculation library. This wraps the *get_response* function and caches the outputs. Args: lib_dir: outputs are cached in this directory lmax_ivf: max. CMB multipole used in the QE cls_weight(dict): fiducial spectra entering the QE weights (numerator in Eq. 2 of cls_cmb(dict): CMB spectra entering the CMB response (in principle lensed spectra, or grad-lensed spectra) fal(dict): (isotropic approximation to the) filtering cls. e.g. fal['tt'] :math:`= \frac {1} {C^{TT}_\ell + N^{\rm TT}_\ell / b^2_\ell}` for temperature if filtered independently from polarization. lmax_qlm(optional): responses are calculated up to this multipole. Defaults to lmax_ivf + lmax_ivf2 """ def __init__(self, lib_dir, lmax_ivf, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal, lmax_qlm, transf=None): self.lmax_qe = lmax_ivf self.lmax_qlm = lmax_qlm self.cls_weight = cls_weight self.cls_cmb = cls_cmb self.fal = fal self.transf = transf self.lib_dir = lib_dir fn_hash = os.path.join(lib_dir, '') if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(fn_hash): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(fn_hash, 'wb'), protocol=2) mpi.barrier() ut.hash_check(pk.load(open(fn_hash, 'rb')), self.hashdict(), fn=fn_hash) self.npdb = sql.npdb(os.path.join(lib_dir, 'npdb.db')) def hashdict(self): ret = {'lmaxqe':self.lmax_qe, 'lmax_qlm':self.lmax_qlm} for k in self.cls_weight.keys(): ret['clsweight ' + k] = ut.clhash(self.cls_weight[k]) for k in self.cls_cmb.keys(): ret['clscmb ' + k] = ut.clhash(self.cls_cmb[k]) for k in self.fal.keys(): ret['fal' + k] = ut.clhash(self.fal[k]) return ret
[docs] def get_response(self, k, ksource, recache=False): """ Args: k: QE anisotropy key ksource: CMB anisotropy source key Returns: Response array """ if '_bh_' in k: # bias-hardened estimator kQE, bhksource = k.split('_bh_') assert len(ksource) == 1, (kQE, ksource) wL = self.get_response(kQE, bhksource, recache=recache) wL *= ut.cli(self.get_response(bhksource + kQE[1:], bhksource, recache=recache)) ret = self.get_response(kQE, ksource, recache=recache) ret -= wL * self.get_response(bhksource + kQE[1:], ksource, recache=recache) return ret if k in ['xmtt', 'pmtt']: return self.get_response(k[0], ksource, recache=recache) - self.get_response(k[0] + 'tt', ksource, recache=recache) s, GorC, sins, ksp = qe_spin_data(k) assert s >= 0, s if s == 0: assert GorC == 'G', (s, GorC) fn = 'qe_' + ksp + k[1:] + '_source_%s_'%ksource + GorC + GorC if self.npdb.get(fn) is None or recache: GG, CC, GC, CG = get_response(k, self.lmax_qe, ksource, self.cls_weight, self.cls_cmb, self.fal, lmax_qlm=self.lmax_qlm, transf=self.transf) if np.any(CG) or np.any(GC): print("Warning: C-G or G-C responses non-zero but not returned") # This may happen only if EB and/or TB are relevant and/or strange estimator mix. if recache and self.npdb.get(fn) is not None: self.npdb.remove('qe_' + ksp + k[1:] + '_source_%s' % ksource + '_GG') if s > 0: self.npdb.remove('qe_'+ ksp + k[1:] + '_source_%s' % ksource + '_CC') self.npdb.add('qe_' + ksp + k[1:] + '_source_%s' % ksource + '_GG', GG) if s > 0: self.npdb.add('qe_' + ksp + k[1:] + '_source_%s' % ksource + '_CC', CC) return self.npdb.get(fn)
[docs] def get_response(qe_key, lmax_ivf, source, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal, fal_leg2=None, lmax_ivf2=None, lmax_qlm=None, transf=None): r"""QE response calculation Args: qe_key: Quadratic estimator key (see this module docstring for descriptions) lmax_ivf: max. CMB multipole used in the QE source: anisotropy source key cls_weight(dict): fiducial spectra entering the QE weights (numerator in Eq. 2 of cls_cmb(dict): CMB spectra entering the CMB response (in principle lensed spectra, or grad-lensed spectra) fal(dict): (isotropic approximation to the) filtering cls. e.g. fal['tt'] :math:`= \frac {1} {C^{\rm TT}_\ell + N^{\rm TT}_\ell / b^2_\ell}` for temperature if filtered independently from polarization. fal_leg2(dict): Same as *fal* but for the second leg, if different. lmax_ivf2(optional): max. CMB multipole used in the QE on the second leg (if different to lmax_ivf) lmax_qlm(optional): responses are calculated up to this multipole. Defaults to lmax_ivf + lmax_ivf2 Note: The result is *not* symmetrized with respect to the 'fals', if not the same on the two legs. In this case you probably want to run this twice swapping the fals in the second run. """ if lmax_ivf2 is None: lmax_ivf2 = lmax_ivf if lmax_qlm is None : lmax_qlm = lmax_ivf + lmax_ivf2 if '_bh_' in qe_key: # Bias-hardened estimators: k, hsource = qe_key.split('_bh_')# kQE hardened against hsource assert len(hsource) == 1, hsource h = hsource[0] RGG_ks, RCC_ks, RGC_ks, RCG_ks = get_response(k, lmax_ivf, source, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal, fal_leg2=fal_leg2, lmax_ivf2=lmax_ivf2, lmax_qlm=lmax_qlm, transf=transf) RGG_hs, RCC_hs, RGC_hs, RCG_hs = get_response(h + k[1:], lmax_ivf, source, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal, fal_leg2=fal_leg2, lmax_ivf2=lmax_ivf2, lmax_qlm=lmax_qlm, transf=transf) RGG_kh, RCC_kh, RGC_kh, RCG_kh = get_response(k, lmax_ivf, h, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal, fal_leg2=fal_leg2, lmax_ivf2=lmax_ivf2, lmax_qlm=lmax_qlm, transf=transf) RGG_hh, RCC_hh, RGC_hh, RCG_hh = get_response(h + k[1:], lmax_ivf, h, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal, fal_leg2=fal_leg2, lmax_ivf2=lmax_ivf2, lmax_qlm=lmax_qlm, transf=transf) RGG = RGG_ks - (RGG_kh * RGG_hs * ut.cli(RGG_hh) + RGC_kh * RCG_hs * ut.cli(RCC_hh)) RCC = RCC_ks - (RCG_kh * RGC_hs * ut.cli(RGG_hh) + RCC_kh * RCC_hs * ut.cli(RCC_hh)) RGC = RGC_ks - (RGG_kh * RGC_hs * ut.cli(RGG_hh) + RGC_kh * RCC_hs * ut.cli(RCC_hh)) RCG = RCG_ks - (RCG_kh * RGG_hs * ut.cli(RGG_hh) + RCC_kh * RCG_hs * ut.cli(RCC_hh)) return RGG, RCC, RGC, RCG qes = get_qes(qe_key, lmax_ivf, cls_weight, lmax2=lmax_ivf2, transf=transf) customR = _get_response_custom(qe_key, qes, source, fal, lmax_qlm, fal_leg2=fal_leg2, transf=transf) if customR is None: return _get_response(qes, source, cls_cmb, fal, lmax_qlm, fal_leg2=fal_leg2) return customR
def _get_response_custom(qe_key, qes, source, fal_leg1, lmax_qlm, fal_leg2=None, transf=None): """Customized response code for selected keys """ fal_leg2 = fal_leg1 if fal_leg2 is None else fal_leg2 if 'tt' in qe_key and source in ['n', 'ntt']: assert transf is not None # mask source keys does not fit under original parametrization scheme of plancklens # here source has spin 0 and qe can have any spin RGG = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) RCC = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) RGC = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) RCG = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) Ls = np.arange(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=int) transfi = _clinv(transf) for qe in qes: si, ti = (qe.leg_a.spin_in, qe.leg_b.spin_in) so, to = (qe.leg_a.spin_ou, qe.leg_b.spin_ou) s_qe = abs(so + to) s_source = 0 assert (si, ti) == (0, 0) s2, t2 = (0, 0) # Temperature only noise maps FA = uspin.get_spin_matrix(si, s2, fal_leg1) FB = uspin.get_spin_matrix(ti, t2, fal_leg2) if np.any(FB) and np.any(FB): # qe_spin positive: clA = ut.joincls([, FA, transfi ]) clB = ut.joincls([, FB, transfi ]) Rpr_st = uspin.wignerc(clA, clB, so, s2, to, t2, lmax_out=lmax_qlm) # qe_spin negative if s_qe > 0: fac = (-1) ** (so + si + to + ti) FA = uspin.get_spin_matrix(-si, s2, fal_leg1) FB = uspin.get_spin_matrix(-ti, t2, fal_leg2) clA = ut.joincls([, FA, transfi]) clB = ut.joincls([, FB, transfi]) Rmr_st = fac * uspin.wignerc(clA, clB, -so, s2, -to, t2, lmax_out=lmax_qlm) else: Rmr_st = Rpr_st prefac = 0.5 * qe.cL(Ls) RGG += prefac * ( Rpr_st.real + Rmr_st.real * (-1) ** s_qe) RCC += prefac * ( Rpr_st.real - Rmr_st.real * (-1) ** s_qe) RGC += prefac * (-Rpr_st.imag + Rmr_st.imag * (-1) ** s_qe) RCG += prefac * ( Rpr_st.imag + Rmr_st.imag * (-1) ** s_qe) return RGG, RCC, RGC, RCG else: return None def get_dresponse_dlncl(qe_key, l, cl_key, lmax_ivf, source, cls_weight, cls_cmb, fal_leg1, fal_leg2=None, lmax_ivf2=None, lmax_out=None): """QE isotropic response derivative function dR_L / dlnC_l. """ if lmax_ivf2 is None: lmax_ivf2 = lmax_ivf if lmax_out is None : lmax_out = lmax_ivf2 + lmax_ivf dcls_cmb = {k: np.zeros_like(cls_cmb[k]) for k in cls_cmb.keys()} dcls_cmb[cl_key][l] = cls_cmb[cl_key][l] qes = get_qes(qe_key, lmax_ivf, cls_weight, lmax2=lmax_ivf2) return _get_response(qes, source, dcls_cmb, fal_leg1,lmax_out, fal_leg2=fal_leg2) def _get_response(qes, source, cls_cmb, fal_leg1, lmax_qlm, fal_leg2=None): fal_leg2 = fal_leg1 if fal_leg2 is None else fal_leg2 RGG = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) RCC = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) RGC = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) RCG = np.zeros(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=float) Ls = np.arange(lmax_qlm + 1, dtype=int) for qe in qes: si, ti = (qe.leg_a.spin_in, qe.leg_b.spin_in) so, to = (qe.leg_a.spin_ou, qe.leg_b.spin_ou) for s2 in ([0, -2, 2]): FA = uspin.get_spin_matrix(si, s2, fal_leg1) if np.any(FA): for t2 in ([0, -2, 2]): FB = uspin.get_spin_matrix(ti, t2, fal_leg2) if np.any(FB): rW_st, prW_st, mrW_st, s_cL_st = get_covresp(source, -s2, t2, cls_cmb, len(FB) - 1) clA = ut.joincls([, FA]) clB = ut.joincls([, FB, mrW_st.conj()]) Rpr_st = uspin.wignerc(clA, clB, so, s2, to, -s2 + rW_st, lmax_out=lmax_qlm) * s_cL_st(Ls) rW_ts, prW_ts, mrW_ts, s_cL_ts = get_covresp(source, -t2, s2, cls_cmb, len(FA) - 1) clA = ut.joincls([, FA, mrW_ts.conj()]) clB = ut.joincls([, FB]) Rpr_st = Rpr_st + uspin.wignerc(clA, clB, so, -t2 + rW_ts, to, t2, lmax_out=lmax_qlm) * s_cL_ts(Ls) assert rW_st == rW_ts and rW_st >= 0, (rW_st, rW_ts) if rW_st > 0: clA = ut.joincls([, FA]) clB = ut.joincls([, FB, prW_st.conj()]) Rmr_st = uspin.wignerc(clA, clB, so, s2, to, -s2 - rW_st, lmax_out=lmax_qlm) * s_cL_st(Ls) clA = ut.joincls([, FA, prW_ts.conj()]) clB = ut.joincls([, FB]) Rmr_st = Rmr_st + uspin.wignerc(clA, clB, so, -t2 - rW_ts, to, t2, lmax_out=lmax_qlm) * s_cL_ts(Ls) else: Rmr_st = Rpr_st prefac = qe.cL(Ls) RGG += prefac * ( Rpr_st.real + Rmr_st.real * (-1) ** rW_st) RCC += prefac * ( Rpr_st.real - Rmr_st.real * (-1) ** rW_st) RGC += prefac * (-Rpr_st.imag + Rmr_st.imag * (-1) ** rW_st) RCG += prefac * ( Rpr_st.imag + Rmr_st.imag * (-1) ** rW_st) return RGG, RCC, RGC, RCG def get_mf_resp(qe_key, cls_cmb, cls_ivfs, lmax_qe, lmax_out, retterms=False): """Deflection-induced mean-field response calculation. See Carron & Lewis 2019 in prep. """ # This version looks stable enough assert qe_key in ['p_p', 'ptt'], qe_key GL = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float) CL = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float) if qe_key == 'ptt': lmax_cmb = len(cls_cmb['tt']) - 1 spins = [0] elif qe_key == 'p_p': lmax_cmb = min(len(cls_cmb['ee']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['bb'] - 1)) spins = [-2, 2] elif qe_key == 'p': lmax_cmb = min(len(cls_cmb['ee']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['bb']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['tt']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['te']) - 1) spins = [0, -2, 2] else: assert 0, qe_key + ' not implemented' assert lmax_qe <= lmax_cmb if qe_key == 'ptt': cl_cmbtoticmb = {'tt': cls_cmb['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1] ** 2 * cls_ivfs['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1]} cl_cmbtoti = {'tt': cls_cmb['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1] * cls_ivfs['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1]} elif qe_key == 'p_p': cl_cmbtoticmb = {'ee': cls_cmb['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1] ** 2 * cls_ivfs['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1], 'bb': cls_cmb['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1] ** 2 * cls_ivfs['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1]} cl_cmbtoti = {'ee': cls_cmb['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1] * cls_ivfs['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1], 'bb': cls_cmb['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1] * cls_ivfs['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1]} else: assert 0, 'not implemented' # Build remaining fisher term II: FisherGII = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float) FisherCII = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float) terms = {'GK':np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float), 'GxiK':np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float)} for s1 in spins: # (xi K xi - xi) ) (K) like terms for s2 in spins: cl1 = uspin.spin_cls(s1, s2, cls_ivfs)[:lmax_qe + 1] * (0.5 ** (s1 != 0) * 0.5 ** (s2 != 0)) # These 1/2 factor from the factor 1/2 in each B of B Covi B^dagger, where B maps spin-fields to T E B. cl2 = np.copy(uspin.spin_cls(s2, s1, cls_cmb)[:lmax_cmb + 1]) cl2[:lmax_qe + 1] -= uspin.spin_cls(s2, s1, cl_cmbtoticmb)[:lmax_qe + 1] # must subtract here other unstable if np.any(cl1) and np.any(cl2): for a in [-1, 1]: ai = uspin.get_spin_lower(s2, lmax_cmb) if a == - 1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(s2, lmax_cmb) for b in [1]: # a, b symmetry aj = uspin.get_spin_lower(-s1, lmax_cmb) if b == 1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(-s1, lmax_cmb) hL = 2 * (-1) ** (s1 + s2) * uspin.wignerc(cl1, cl2 * ai * aj, s2, s1, -s2 - a, -s1 - b, lmax_out=lmax_out) GL += (- a * b) * hL CL += (-1) * hL # Build remaining Fisher term II: for s1 in spins: # (xi K) (xi K) like terms for s2 in spins: cl1 = uspin.spin_cls(s2, s1, cl_cmbtoti)[:lmax_qe + 1] * (0.5 ** (s1 != 0)) cl2 = uspin.spin_cls(s1, s2, cl_cmbtoti)[:lmax_qe + 1] * (0.5 ** (s2 != 0)) if np.any(cl1) and np.any(cl2): for a in [-1, 1]: ai = uspin.get_spin_lower(s2, lmax_qe) if a == -1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(s2, lmax_qe) for b in [1]: aj = uspin.get_spin_lower(s1, lmax_qe) if b == 1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(s1, lmax_qe) hL = 2 * (-1) ** (s1 + s2) * uspin.wignerc(cl1 * ai, cl2 * aj, -s2 - a, -s1, s2, s1 - b, lmax_out=lmax_out) FisherGII += (- a * b) * hL FisherCII += (-1) * hL terms['GK'] += GL terms['GxiK'] -= FisherGII GL -= FisherGII CL -= FisherCII terms['Gcons'] = -np.ones_like(GL) * CL[1] print("CL[1] ",CL[1]) print("GL[1] (before subtraction) ", GL[1]) print("GL[1] (after subtraction) ", GL[1] - CL[1]) GL -= CL[1] CL -= CL[1] GL *= 0.25 * np.arange(lmax_out + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax_out + 2) CL *= 0.25 * np.arange(lmax_out + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax_out + 2) for term in terms.values(): term *= 0.25 * np.arange(lmax_out + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax_out + 2) return (GL, CL) if not retterms else (GL, CL, terms)