Source code for qest

"""Quadratic estimation implementation module.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle as pk
import collections

from plancklens import utils as ut, utils_qe as uqe
from plancklens.helpers import mpi
from plancklens import qresp

_write_alm = lambda fn, alm : hp.write_alm(fn, alm, overwrite=True)

[docs] def eval_qe(qe_key, lmax_ivf, cls_weight, get_alm, nside, lmax_qlm, verbose=True, get_alm2=None, transf=None): """Evaluates a quadratic estimator gradient and curl terms. (see 'library' below for QE estimation coupled to CMB inverse-variance filtered simulation libraries, whose implementation can be faster for some estimators.) Args: qe_key: QE key defining the estimator (as defined in the qresp module), e.g. 'ptt' for lensing TT estimator lmax_ivf: CMB multipoles up to lmax are used in the QE cls_weight: set of CMB spectra entering the QE estimator weights get_alm: callable with 't', 'e', 'b' arguments, returning the corresponding inverse-variance filtered CMB map nside: the estimator are calculated in position space at healpy resolution nside. lmax_qlm: gradient and curl terms are obtained up to multipole lmax_qlm. get_alm2: maps for second leg if different from first. The estimator is symmetrized Returns: glm and clm healpy arrays (gradient and curl terms of the QE estimate) """ qe_list = qresp.get_qes(qe_key, lmax_ivf, cls_weight, transf=transf) return uqe.qe_eval(qe_list, nside, get_alm, lmax_qlm, verbose=verbose, get_alm2=get_alm2)
def library_jtTP(lib_dir, ivfs1, ivfs2, nside, lmax_qlm=None, resplib=None): return library(lib_dir, ivfs1, ivfs2, nside, lmax_qlm=lmax_qlm, resplib=resplib) def library_sepTP(lib_dir, ivfs1, ivfs2, clte, nside, lmax_qlm=None, resplib=None): return library(lib_dir, ivfs1, ivfs2, nside, clte=clte, lmax_qlm=lmax_qlm, resplib=resplib)
[docs] class library: r"""From two inverse-variance filtered CMB simulation libraries returns a QE evaluation library. Args: lib_dir: QE estimates will be stored there. ivfs1: inverse-variance filtering instance of the QE 1st leg. ivfs2: inverse-variance filtering instance of the QE 2nd leg. nside: QE estimates are obtained from real-space healpy maps at resolution nside clte(optional): TE CMB spectrum weight. If set this is used to build :math:`X^{\rm WF}` from :math:`\bar X`. Defaults to None, which is adequate for the MV estimator if T and P maps are jointly filtered. lmax_qlm(optional): QE estimates are computed up to multipole lmax_qlm (defaults to 3 * nside -1). resplib(optional): response library with *get_response* methods. Only used for bias_hardened estimators. """ def __init__(self, lib_dir, ivfs1, ivfs2, nside, clte=None, lmax_qlm=None, resplib=None): if lmax_qlm is None: lmax_qlm = 3 * nside -1 self.lib_dir = lib_dir self.prefix = lib_dir self.lmax_qlm = {'T': lmax_qlm, 'P': lmax_qlm, 'PS': lmax_qlm} if clte is None: self.f2map1 = lib_filt2map(ivfs1, nside) self.f2map2 = lib_filt2map(ivfs2, nside) else: self.f2map1 = lib_filt2map_sepTP(ivfs1, nside, clte) self.f2map2 = lib_filt2map_sepTP(ivfs2, nside, clte) assert self.lmax_qlm['T'] == self.lmax_qlm['P'], 'implement this' fnhash = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, "") if (mpi.rank == 0) and (not os.path.exists(fnhash)): if not os.path.exists(self.lib_dir): os.makedirs(self.lib_dir) pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(fnhash, 'wb'), protocol=2) mpi.barrier() ut.hash_check(pk.load(open(fnhash, 'rb')), self.hashdict(), fn=fnhash) if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(lib_dir, 'fskies.dat')): print("Caching sky fractions...") ms = {1: self.get_mask(1), 2: self.get_mask(2)} fskies = {} for i in [1, 2]: for j in [1, 2][i - 1:]: fskies[10 * i + j] = np.mean(ms[i] * ms[j]) with open(os.path.join(lib_dir, 'fskies.dat'), 'w') as f: for lab, _f in zip(np.sort(list(fskies.keys())), np.array(list(fskies.values()))[np.argsort(list(fskies.keys()))]): f.write('%4s %.5f \n' % (lab, _f)) mpi.barrier() fskies = {} with open(os.path.join(lib_dir, 'fskies.dat')) as f: for line in f: (key, val) = line.split() fskies[int(key)] = float(val) self.fskies = fskies self.fsky11 = fskies[11] self.fsky12 = fskies[12] self.fsky22 = fskies[22] self.resplib = resplib self.keys_fund = ['ptt', 'xtt', 'p_p', 'x_p', 'p', 'x', 'stt', 's', 'ftt','f_p', 'f','dtt', 'ntt', 'a_p', 'pte', 'pet', 'ptb', 'pbt', 'pee', 'peb', 'pbe', 'pbb', 'xte', 'xet', 'xtb', 'xbt', 'xee', 'xeb', 'xbe', 'xbb'] self.keys = self.keys_fund + ['p_tp', 'x_tp', 'p_te', 'p_tb', 'p_eb', 'x_te', 'x_tb', 'x_eb', 'ptt_bh_n', 'ptt_bh_s', 'ptt_bh_f', 'ptt_bh_d', 'dtt_bh_p', 'stt_bh_p', 'ftt_bh_d', 'p_bh_s'] #TODO: remove self.keys self.keys_remaps = {'s':'stt'} # equivalent keys def hashdict(self): return {'f2map1': self.f2map1.hashdict(), 'f2map2': self.f2map2.hashdict()} def get_fundkeys(self, k_list): if not isinstance(k_list, list): _klist = [k_list] else: _klist = k_list ret = [] for k in _klist: if k in self.keys_fund: ret.append(k) elif '_tp' in k: ret.append(k[0] + 'tt') ret.append(k[0] + '_p') elif 'tt_bh_' in k: l, f = k.split('_bh_') ret.append(l) ret.append(f + 'tt') elif k in ['p_te', 'p_tb', 'p_eb', 'x_te', 'x_tb', 'x_eb']: ret.append(k[0] + k[2] + k[3]) ret.append(k[0] + k[3] + k[2]) return list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(ret)) def get_fsky(self, id): assert id in [11, 22, 12], id return self.fskies[id] def get_lmax_qlm(self, k): assert self.lmax_qlm['T'] == self.lmax_qlm['P'] return self.lmax_qlm['T'] def get_mask(self, leg): assert leg in [1, 2] return self.f2map1.ivfs.get_fmask() if leg == 1 else self.f2map2.ivfs.get_fmask()
[docs] def get_sim_qlm(self, k, idx, lmax=None): """Returns a QE estimate, by computing and caching it if not done previously. Args: k: quadratic estimator key idx: simulation index lmax: optionally reduces the lmax of the output healpy array. """ k = self.keys_remaps.get(k, k) if lmax is None : lmax = self.get_lmax_qlm(k) assert lmax <= self.get_lmax_qlm(k) if k in ['p_tp', 'x_tp', 'f_tp', 's_tp']: return self.get_sim_qlm('%stt' % k[0], idx, lmax=lmax) + self.get_sim_qlm('%s_p' % k[0], idx, lmax=lmax) if k in ['p_te', 'p_tb', 'p_eb', 'x_te', 'x_tb', 'x_eb']: return self.get_sim_qlm(k[0]+k[2]+k[3], idx, lmax=lmax) + self.get_sim_qlm(k[0]+k[3]+k[2], idx, lmax=lmax) if '_bh_' in k: # Bias-hardening assert self.resplib is not None, 'resplib arg necessary for this' kQE, ksource = k.split('_bh_') assert len(ksource) == 1, (ksource, kQE) assert self.get_lmax_qlm(kQE) == self.get_lmax_qlm(ksource + kQE[1:]), 'fix this (easy)' lmax = self.get_lmax_qlm(kQE) wL = self.resplib.get_response(kQE, ksource) * ut.cli(self.resplib.get_response(ksource + kQE[1:], ksource)) ret = self.get_sim_qlm(kQE, idx, lmax=lmax) return ret- hp.almxfl(self.get_sim_qlm(ksource + kQE[1:], idx, lmax=lmax), wL) assert k in self.keys_fund, (k, self.keys_fund) fname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_%s_%04d.fits'%(k, idx) if idx != -1 else 'dat_%s.fits'%k) if not os.path.exists(fname): if k in ['ptt', 'xtt']: self._build_sim_Tgclm(idx) elif k in ['p_p', 'x_p']: self._build_sim_Pgclm(idx) elif k in ['p', 'x']: self._build_sim_MVgclm(idx) elif k in ['f']: self._build_sim_f(idx) elif k in ['stt']: self._build_sim_stt(idx) elif k in ['ftt']: self._build_sim_ftt(idx) elif k in ['f_p']: self._build_sim_f_p(idx) elif k in ['ntt']: self._build_sim_ntt(idx) elif k in ['a_p']: self._build_sim_a_p(idx) elif k in ['ptt', 'pte', 'pet', 'ptb', 'pbt', 'pee', 'peb', 'pbe', 'pbb', 'xtt', 'xte', 'xet', 'xtb', 'xbt', 'xee', 'xeb', 'xbe', 'xbb']: self._build_sim_xfiltMVgclm(idx, k) else: assert 0, k return ut.alm_copy(hp.read_alm(fname), lmax=lmax)
def get_dat_qlm(self, k, **kwargs): return self.get_sim_qlm(k, -1, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_sim_qlm_mf(self, k, mc_sims, lmax=None): """Returns a QE mean-field estimate, by averaging QE estimates from a set simulations (caches the result). Args: k: quadratic estimator key mc_sims: simulation indices to use for the estimate. lmax: optionally reduces the lmax of the output healpy array. """ k = self.keys_remaps.get(k, k) if lmax is None: lmax = self.get_lmax_qlm(k) assert lmax <= self.get_lmax_qlm(k) if k in ['p_tp', 'x_tp']: return (self.get_sim_qlm_mf('%stt' % k[0], mc_sims, lmax=lmax) + self.get_sim_qlm_mf('%s_p' % k[0], mc_sims, lmax=lmax)) if k in ['p_te', 'p_tb', 'p_eb', 'x_te', 'x_tb', 'x_eb']: return self.get_sim_qlm_mf(k[0] + k[2] + k[3], mc_sims, lmax=lmax) \ + self.get_sim_qlm_mf(k[0] + k[3] + k[2], mc_sims, lmax=lmax) if '_bh_' in k: # Bias-hardening assert self.resplib is not None, 'resplib arg necessary for this' kQE, ksource = k.split('_bh_') assert len(ksource) == 1, (ksource, kQE) assert self.get_lmax_qlm(kQE) == self.get_lmax_qlm(ksource + kQE[1:]), 'fix this (easy)' lmax = self.get_lmax_qlm(kQE) wL = self.resplib.get_response(kQE, ksource) * ut.cli(self.resplib.get_response(ksource + kQE[1:], ksource)) ret = self.get_sim_qlm_mf(kQE, mc_sims, lmax=lmax) return ret- hp.almxfl(self.get_sim_qlm_mf(ksource + kQE[1:], mc_sims, lmax=lmax), wL) assert k in self.keys_fund, (k, self.keys_fund) fname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'simMF_k1%s_%s.fits' % (k, ut.mchash(mc_sims))) if not os.path.exists(fname): this_mcs = np.unique(mc_sims) MF = np.zeros(hp.Alm.getsize(lmax), dtype=complex) if len(this_mcs) == 0: return MF for i, idx in ut.enumerate_progress(this_mcs, label='calculating %s MF' % k): MF += self.get_sim_qlm(k, idx, lmax=lmax) MF /= len(this_mcs) _write_alm(fname, MF) print("Cached ", fname) return ut.alm_copy(hp.read_alm(fname), lmax=lmax)
def _get_sim_Tgclm(self, idx, k, swapped=False, xfilt1=None, xfilt2=None): """ T only lensing potentials estimators """ f2map1 = self.f2map1 if not swapped else self.f2map2 f2map2 = self.f2map2 if not swapped else self.f2map1 xftl1 = xfilt1 if not swapped else xfilt2 xftl2 = xfilt2 if not swapped else xfilt1 tmap = f2map1.get_irestmap(idx, xfilt=xftl1) # healpy map G, C = f2map2.get_gtmap(idx, k=k, xfilt=xftl2) # 2 healpy maps G *= tmap C *= tmap del tmap G, C = hp.map2alm_spin([G, C], 1, lmax=self.lmax_qlm['T']) fl = - np.sqrt(np.arange(self.lmax_qlm['T'] + 1, dtype=float) * np.arange(1, self.lmax_qlm['T'] + 2)) hp.almxfl(G, fl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(C, fl, inplace=True) return G, C def _get_sim_Pgclm(self, idx, k, swapped=False, xfilt1=None, xfilt2=None): """ Pol. only lensing potentials estimators """ f2map1 = self.f2map1 if not swapped else self.f2map2 f2map2 = self.f2map2 if not swapped else self.f2map1 xftl1 = xfilt1 if not swapped else xfilt2 xftl2 = xfilt2 if not swapped else xfilt1 repmap, impmap = f2map1.get_irespmap(idx, xfilt=xftl1) # complex spin 2 healpy maps Gs, Cs = f2map2.get_gpmap(idx, 3, k=k, xfilt=xftl2) # 2 healpy maps GC = (repmap - 1j * impmap) * (Gs + 1j * Cs) # (-2 , +3) Gs, Cs = f2map2.get_gpmap(idx, 1, k=k, xfilt=xftl2) GC -= (repmap + 1j * impmap) * (Gs - 1j * Cs) # (+2 , -1) del repmap, impmap, Gs, Cs G, C = hp.map2alm_spin([GC.real, GC.imag], 1, lmax=self.lmax_qlm['P']) del GC fl = - np.sqrt(np.arange(self.lmax_qlm['P'] + 1, dtype=float) * np.arange(1, self.lmax_qlm['P'] + 2)) hp.almxfl(G, fl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(C, fl, inplace=True) return G, C def _get_sim_stt(self, idx, swapped=False): """Point source estimator """ tmap1 = self.f2map1.get_irestmap(idx) if not swapped else self.f2map2.get_irestmap(idx) # healpy map tmap1 *= (self.f2map2.get_irestmap(idx) if not swapped else self.f2map1.get_irestmap(idx)) # healpy map return -0.5 * hp.map2alm(tmap1, lmax=self.get_lmax_qlm('PS'), iter=0) def _get_sim_ntt(self, idx, swapped=False): """ Noise inhomogeneity estimator (same as point-source estimator but acting on beam-deconvolved maps) """ f1 = self.f2map1 if not swapped else self.f2map2 f2 = self.f2map2 if not swapped else self.f2map1 tmap1 = f1.get_wirestmap(idx, f1.ivfs.get_tal('t')[:]) * f2.get_wirestmap(idx, f2.ivfs.get_tal('t')[:]) return -0.5 * hp.map2alm(tmap1, lmax=self.get_lmax_qlm('T'), iter=0) def _get_sim_ftt(self, idx, joint=False, swapped=False): """Modulation estimator, temperature only.""" tmap1 = self.f2map1.get_irestmap(idx) if not swapped else self.f2map2.get_irestmap(idx) # healpy map tmap1 *= (self.f2map2.get_tmap(idx, joint=joint) if not swapped else self.f2map1.get_tmap(idx, joint=joint)) # healpy map return -hp.map2alm(tmap1, lmax=self.get_lmax_qlm('T'), iter=0) def _get_sim_f_p(self, idx, joint=False, swapped=False): """Modulation estimator, polarization only. """ Q1, U1 = self.f2map1.get_irespmap(idx) if not swapped else self.f2map2.get_irespmap(idx) Q2, U2 = (self.f2map2.get_pmap(idx, joint=joint) if not swapped else self.f2map1.get_pmap(idx, joint=joint)) return -2 * hp.map2alm(Q1 * Q2 + U1 * U2 , lmax=self.get_lmax_qlm('P'), iter=0) def _get_sim_a_p(self, idx, joint=False, swapped=False): """Polarization rotation estimator. """ Q1, U1 = self.f2map1.get_irespmap(idx) if not swapped else self.f2map2.get_irespmap(idx) Q2, U2 = (self.f2map2.get_pmap(idx, joint=joint) if not swapped else self.f2map1.get_pmap(idx, joint=joint)) return -4. * hp.map2alm(Q1 * U2 - U1 * Q2 , lmax=self.get_lmax_qlm('P'), iter=0) def _get_sim_MVgclm(self, idx, k, swapped=False): assert k == 'p' GP, CP = self._get_sim_Pgclm(idx, 'p', swapped=swapped) GT, CT = self._get_sim_Tgclm(idx, 'p', swapped=swapped) return GP + GT, CP + CT def _build_sim_Tgclm(self, idx): """ T only lensing potentials estimators """ G, C = self._get_sim_Tgclm(idx, 'ptt') if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: _G, _C = self._get_sim_Tgclm(idx, 'ptt', swapped=True) G = 0.5 * (G + _G) del _G C = 0.5 * (C + _C) del _C _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_ptt_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_ptt.fits'), G) _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_xtt_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_xtt.fits'), C) def _build_sim_Pgclm(self, idx): """ Pol. only lensing potentials estimators """ G, C = self._get_sim_Pgclm(idx, 'p_p') if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: _G, _C = self._get_sim_Pgclm(idx, 'p_p', swapped=True) G = 0.5 * (G + _G) del _G C = 0.5 * (C + _C) del _C _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_p_p_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_p_p.fits'), G) _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_x_p_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_x_p.fits'), C) def _build_sim_MVgclm(self, idx): """ MV. lensing potentials estimators """ G, C = self._get_sim_MVgclm(idx, 'p') if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: _G, _C = self._get_sim_MVgclm(idx, 'p', swapped=True) G = 0.5 * (G + _G) del _G C = 0.5 * (C + _C) del _C _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_p_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_p.fits'), G) _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_x_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_x.fits'), C) def _build_sim_f(self, idx): """ MV. modulation estimators. """ G= self._get_sim_f_p(idx, joint=True) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: G = 0.5 * (G + self._get_sim_f_p(idx, joint=True, swapped=True)) GT = self._get_sim_ftt(idx, joint=True) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: GT = 0.5 * (GT + self._get_sim_ftt(idx, joint=True, swapped=True)) _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_f_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_f.fits'), G + GT) def _build_sim_xfiltMVgclm(self, idx, k): """ Quick and dirty way to get the full set of estimators V X_1 W Y_2, or 1/2 (V X_1 W Y_2 + V Y_1 W X_2 ) if X_1 != Y_2; e.g. 1/2 (V E_1 W B_2 or V B_1 W E_2) """ assert k in ['ptt', 'pte', 'pet', 'ptb', 'pbt', 'pee', 'peb', 'pbe', 'pbb', 'xtt', 'xte', 'xet', 'xtb', 'xbt', 'xee', 'xeb', 'xbe', 'xbb'] xfilt1 = {f: (k[-2] == f) * np.ones(10000) for f in ['t', 'e', 'b']} xfilt2 = {f: (k[-1] == f) * np.ones(10000) for f in ['t', 'e', 'b']} G, C = self._get_sim_Pgclm(idx, 'p', xfilt1=xfilt1, xfilt2=xfilt2) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs:# or k[-1] != k[-2]: #FIXME: not sure why the second condition was here, dont think the intention was to symmetrize here, double the work _G, _C = self._get_sim_Pgclm(idx, 'p', xfilt1=xfilt1, xfilt2=xfilt2, swapped=True) G = 0.5 * (G + _G) del _G C = 0.5 * (C + _C) del _C GT, CT = self._get_sim_Tgclm(idx, 'p', xfilt1=xfilt1, xfilt2=xfilt2) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs:# or k[-1] != k[-2]: #FIXME: not sure why the second condition was here, dont think the intention was to symmetrize here, double the work _G, _C = self._get_sim_Tgclm(idx, 'p', xfilt1=xfilt1, xfilt2=xfilt2, swapped=True) GT = 0.5 * (GT + _G) del _G CT = 0.5 * (CT + _C) del _C fnameG = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_p%s_%04d.fits' % (k[1:], idx) if idx != -1 else 'dat_p%s.fits'%k[1:]) fnameC = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_x%s_%04d.fits' % (k[1:], idx) if idx != -1 else 'dat_x%s.fits'%k[1:]) _write_alm(fnameG, G + GT) _write_alm(fnameC, C + CT) def _build_sim_stt(self, idx): sLM = self._get_sim_stt(idx) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: pass # No need to swap, this thing is symmetric anyways _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_stt_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_stt.fits'), sLM) def _build_sim_ntt(self, idx): sLM = self._get_sim_ntt(idx) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: pass # No need to swap, this thing is symmetric anyways _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_ntt_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_ntt.fits'), sLM) def _build_sim_ftt(self, idx): fLM = self._get_sim_ftt(idx) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: _fLM = self._get_sim_ftt(idx,swapped=True) fLM = 0.5 * (fLM + _fLM) del _fLM _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_ftt_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_ftt.fits'), fLM) def _build_sim_f_p(self, idx): fLM = self._get_sim_f_p(idx) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: _fLM = self._get_sim_f_p(idx,swapped=True) fLM = 0.5 * (fLM + _fLM) del _fLM _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_f_p_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_f_p.fits'), fLM) def _build_sim_a_p(self, idx): fLM = self._get_sim_a_p(idx) if not self.f2map1.ivfs == self.f2map2.ivfs: _fLM = self._get_sim_f_p(idx,swapped=True) fLM = 0.5 * (fLM + _fLM) del _fLM _write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_a_p_%04d.fits'%idx if idx != -1 else 'dat_a_p.fits'), fLM)
class lib_filt2map(object): """ Turns filtered maps into gradients and residual maps required for the qest. """ def __init__(self, ivfs, nside): self.ivfs = ivfs self.nside = nside def hashdict(self): return {'ivfs': self.ivfs.hashdict(), 'nside': self.nside} def get_gtmap(self, idx, k=None, xfilt=None): """ \sum_{lm} MAP_talm sqrt(l (l + 1)) _1 Ylm(n). Spin 1 transform with zero curl comp. Recall healpy sign convention for which Glm = - Tlm. Output is list with real and imaginary part of the spin 1 transform. """ assert xfilt is None, 'not implemented' mliktlm = self.ivfs.get_sim_tmliklm(idx) lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(mliktlm.size) Glm = hp.almxfl(mliktlm, -np.sqrt(np.arange(lmax + 1, dtype=float) * (np.arange(1, lmax + 2)))) return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, np.zeros_like(Glm)], self.nside, 1, lmax) def get_tmap(self, idx): """Real-space Wiener filtered tmap. \sum_{lm} MAP_talm _0 Ylm(n). """ return hp.alm2map(self.ivfs.get_sim_tmliklm(idx),self.nside) def get_pmap(self, idx): """Real-space Wiener filtered polarization. """ Glm = self.ivfs.get_sim_emliklm(idx) Clm = self.ivfs.get_sim_bmliklm(idx) return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, Clm], self.nside, 2, hp.Alm.getlmax(Glm.size)) def get_gpmap(self, idx, spin, k=None, xfilt=None): """ \sum_{lm} (Elm +- iBlm) sqrt(l+2 (l-1)) _1 Ylm(n). sqrt(l-2 (l+3)) _3 Ylm(n). Output is list with real and imaginary part of the spin 1 or 3 transforms. """ assert spin in [1, 3] assert xfilt is None, 'not implemented' Glm = self.ivfs.get_sim_emliklm(idx) Clm = self.ivfs.get_sim_bmliklm(idx) assert Glm.size == Clm.size, (Clm.size, Clm.size) lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(Glm.size) if spin == 1: fl = np.arange(2, lmax + 3, dtype=float) * (np.arange(-1, lmax)) elif spin == 3: fl = np.arange(-2, lmax - 1, dtype=float) * (np.arange(3, lmax + 4)) else: assert 0 fl[:spin] *= 0. fl = np.sqrt(fl) hp.almxfl(Glm, fl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(Clm, fl, inplace=True) return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, Clm], self.nside, spin, lmax) def get_irestmap(self, idx, xfilt=None): if xfilt is not None: assert isinstance(xfilt, dict) and 't' in xfilt.keys() if not np.any(xfilt['t']): return np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float) reslm = self.ivfs.get_sim_tlm(idx) if xfilt is not None: reslm = hp.almxfl(reslm, xfilt['t'], inplace=True) return hp.alm2map(reslm, self.nside, lmax=hp.Alm.getlmax(reslm.size)) def get_wirestmap(self, idx, wl): """ weighted res map w_l res_l""" reslm = self.ivfs.get_sim_tlm(idx) return hp.alm2map(hp.almxfl(reslm,wl), self.nside, lmax=hp.Alm.getlmax(reslm.size)) def get_irespmap(self, idx, xfilt=None): reselm = self.ivfs.get_sim_elm(idx) resblm = self.ivfs.get_sim_blm(idx) assert hp.Alm.getlmax(reselm.size) == hp.Alm.getlmax(resblm.size) if xfilt is not None: assert isinstance(xfilt, dict) and 'e' in xfilt.keys() and 'b' in xfilt.keys() hp.almxfl(reselm, xfilt['e'], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(resblm, xfilt['b'], inplace=True) fac = 0.5 return hp.alm2map_spin([reselm * fac, resblm * fac], self.nside, 2, hp.Alm.getlmax(reselm.size)) class lib_filt2map_sepTP(lib_filt2map): """ Same as above but seprately filtered maps. """ def __init__(self, ivfs, nside, clte): super(lib_filt2map_sepTP, self).__init__(ivfs, nside) self.clte = clte def hashdict(self): return {'ivfs': self.ivfs.hashdict(), 'nside': self.nside, 'clte': ut.clhash(self.clte)} def get_tmap(self, idx, joint=False): """Real-space Wiener filtered tmap. \sum_{lm} MAP_talm _0 Ylm(n). """ tlm = self.ivfs.get_sim_tmliklm(idx) if joint: tlm += hp.almxfl(self.ivfs.get_sim_elm(idx), self.clte) return hp.alm2map(tlm, self.nside) def get_pmap(self, idx, joint=False): """Real-space Wiener filtered polarization. """ Glm = self.ivfs.get_sim_emliklm(idx) Clm = self.ivfs.get_sim_bmliklm(idx) if joint: Glm += hp.almxfl(self.ivfs.get_sim_tlm(idx), self.clte) return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, Clm], self.nside, 2, hp.Alm.getlmax(Glm.size)) def get_gtmap(self, idx, k=None, xfilt=None): """ \sum_{lm} MAP_talm sqrt(l (l + 1)) _1 Ylm(n). Spin 1 transform with zero curl comp. Recall healpy sign convention for which Glm = - Tlm. Output is list with real and imaginary part of the spin 1 transform. """ assert k in ['ptt', 'p'], k if xfilt is not None: assert isinstance(xfilt, dict) and 't' in xfilt.keys() if k in ['p']: assert 'e' in xfilt.keys() need_t = (xfilt is None) or np.any(xfilt['t']) # want to avoid T-calc if unnecessary mliktlm = self.ivfs.get_sim_tmliklm(idx) if need_t else 0. if xfilt is not None and need_t: hp.almxfl(mliktlm, xfilt['t'], inplace=True) if k == 'p': need_e = (xfilt is None) or np.any(xfilt['e']) telm = hp.almxfl(self.ivfs.get_sim_elm(idx), self.clte) if need_e else 0. if xfilt is not None and need_e: assert 'e' in xfilt.keys() hp.almxfl(telm, xfilt['e'], inplace=True) mliktlm = mliktlm + telm del telm if np.any(mliktlm): lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(mliktlm.size) Glm = hp.almxfl(mliktlm, -np.sqrt(np.arange(lmax + 1, dtype=float) * (np.arange(1, lmax + 2)))) return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, np.zeros_like(Glm)], self.nside, 1, lmax) else: return np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float), np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float) def get_gpmap(self, idx, spin, k=None, xfilt=None): """ \sum_{lm} (Elm +- iBlm) sqrt(l+2 (l-1)) _1 Ylm(n). sqrt(l-2 (l+3)) _3 Ylm(n). Output is list with real and imaginary part of the spin 1 or 3 transforms. """ assert k in ['p_p', 'p'], k assert spin in [1, 3] if xfilt is not None: assert isinstance(xfilt, dict) and 'e' in xfilt.keys() and 'b' in xfilt.keys() and 't' in xfilt.keys() need_p = (xfilt is None) or (np.any(xfilt['e']) or np.any(xfilt['b'])) Glm, Clm = (self.ivfs.get_sim_emliklm(idx), self.ivfs.get_sim_bmliklm(idx)) if need_p else (0., 0.) if xfilt is not None and need_p: hp.almxfl(Glm, xfilt['e'], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(Clm, xfilt['b'], inplace=True) if k == 'p': need_t = (xfilt is None) or np.any(xfilt['t']) G_tlm = hp.almxfl(self.ivfs.get_sim_tlm(idx), self.clte) if need_t else 0. if xfilt is not None and need_t: hp.almxfl(G_tlm, xfilt['t'], inplace=True) Glm = Glm + G_tlm del G_tlm if np.any(Glm) or np.any(Clm): lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(Glm.size) if spin == 1: fl = np.arange(2, lmax + 3, dtype=float) * (np.arange(-1, lmax)) elif spin == 3: fl = np.arange(-2, lmax - 1, dtype=float) * (np.arange(3, lmax + 4)) else: assert 0 fl[:spin] *= 0. fl = np.sqrt(fl) hp.almxfl(Glm, fl, inplace=True) if np.any(Clm): hp.almxfl(Clm, fl, inplace=True) if np.isscalar(Clm): return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, Glm * 0.], self.nside, spin, lmax) else: return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, Clm], self.nside, spin, lmax) else: return np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float), np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside), dtype=float)