Source code for plancklens.sims.maps

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import pickle as pk
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import plancklens.sims.phas

from plancklens.utils import clhash, hash_check
from plancklens.helpers import mpi
from plancklens.sims import phas, cmbs

[docs] class cmb_maps(object): r"""CMB simulation library combining a lensed CMB library and a transfer function. Args: sims_cmb_len: lensed CMB library (e.g. *plancklens.sims.planck2018_sims.cmb_len_ffp10*) cl_transf: CMB temperature transfer function nside: healpy resolution of the maps. Defaults to 2048. lib_dir(optional): hash checks will be cached, as well as possibly other things for subclasses. cl_transf_P: CMB pol transfer function (if different from cl_transf) """ def __init__(self, sims_cmb_len, cl_transf, nside=2048, cl_transf_P=None, lib_dir=None): if cl_transf_P is None: cl_transf_P = np.copy(cl_transf) self.sims_cmb_len = sims_cmb_len self.cl_transf_T = cl_transf self.cl_transf_P = cl_transf_P self.nside = nside if lib_dir is not None: fn_hash = os.path.join(lib_dir, '') if mpi.rank == 0 and not os.path.exists(fn_hash): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(fn_hash, 'wb'), protocol=2) mpi.barrier() hash_check(self.hashdict(), pk.load(open(fn_hash, 'rb')), fn=fn_hash) def hashdict(self): ret = {'sims_cmb_len':self.sims_cmb_len.hashdict(),'nside':self.nside,'cl_transf':clhash(self.cl_transf_T)} if not (np.all(self.cl_transf_P == self.cl_transf_T)): ret['cl_transf_P'] = clhash(self.cl_transf_P) return ret
[docs] def get_sim_tmap(self,idx): """Returns temperature healpy map for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: healpy map """ tmap = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_tlm(idx) hp.almxfl(tmap,self.cl_transf_T,inplace=True) tmap = hp.alm2map(tmap,self.nside) return tmap + self.get_sim_tnoise(idx)
[docs] def get_sim_pmap(self,idx): """Returns polarization healpy maps for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: Q and U healpy maps """ elm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_elm(idx) hp.almxfl(elm,self.cl_transf_P,inplace=True) blm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_blm(idx) hp.almxfl(blm, self.cl_transf_P, inplace=True) Q,U = hp.alm2map_spin([elm,blm], self.nside, 2,hp.Alm.getlmax(elm.size)) del elm,blm return Q + self.get_sim_qnoise(idx),U + self.get_sim_unoise(idx)
def get_sim_tnoise(self,idx): assert 0,'subclass this' def get_sim_qnoise(self, idx): assert 0, 'subclass this' def get_sim_unoise(self, idx): assert 0, 'subclass this'
[docs] class cmb_maps_noisefree(cmb_maps): def __init__(self,sims_cmb_len,cl_transf,nside=2048, cl_transf_P=None): super(cmb_maps_noisefree, self).__init__(sims_cmb_len, cl_transf, nside=nside, cl_transf_P=cl_transf_P) def get_sim_tnoise(self,idx): return np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)) def get_sim_qnoise(self, idx): return np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)) def get_sim_unoise(self, idx): return np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(self.nside))
[docs] class cmb_maps_nlev(cmb_maps): r"""CMB simulation library combining a lensed CMB library, transfer function and idealized homogeneous noise. Args: sims_cmb_len: lensed CMB library (e.g. *plancklens.sims.planck2018_sims.cmb_len_ffp10*) cl_transf: CMB transfer function, identical in temperature and polarization nlev_t: temperature noise level in :math:`\mu K`-arcmin nlev_p: polarization noise level in :math:`\mu K`-arcmin nside: healpy resolution of the maps lib_dir(optional): noise maps random phases will be cached there. Only relevant if *pix_lib_phas is not set* pix_lib_phas(optional): random phases library for the noise maps (from **). If not set, *lib_dir* arg must be set. """ def __init__(self,sims_cmb_len, cl_transf, nlev_t, nlev_p, nside, lib_dir=None, pix_lib_phas=None): if pix_lib_phas is None: assert lib_dir is not None pix_lib_phas = phas.pix_lib_phas(lib_dir, 3, (hp.nside2npix(nside),)) assert pix_lib_phas.shape == (hp.nside2npix(nside),), (pix_lib_phas.shape, (hp.nside2npix(nside),)) self.pix_lib_phas = pix_lib_phas self.nlev_t = nlev_t self.nlev_p = nlev_p super(cmb_maps_nlev, self).__init__(sims_cmb_len, cl_transf, nside=nside, lib_dir=lib_dir) def hashdict(self): ret = {'sims_cmb_len':self.sims_cmb_len.hashdict(), 'nside':self.nside,'cl_transf':clhash(self.cl_transf_T), 'nlev_t':self.nlev_t,'nlev_p':self.nlev_p, 'pixphas':self.pix_lib_phas.hashdict()} if not (np.all(self.cl_transf_P == self.cl_transf_T)): ret['cl_transf_P'] = clhash(self.cl_transf_P) return ret
[docs] def get_sim_tnoise(self,idx): """Returns noise temperature map for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: healpy map """ vamin = np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True)) * 60 return self.nlev_t / vamin * self.pix_lib_phas.get_sim(idx, idf=0)
[docs] def get_sim_qnoise(self, idx): """Returns noise Q-polarization map for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: healpy map """ vamin = np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True)) * 60 return self.nlev_p / vamin * self.pix_lib_phas.get_sim(idx, idf=1)
[docs] def get_sim_unoise(self, idx): """Returns noise U-polarization map for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: healpy map """ vamin = np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True)) * 60 return self.nlev_p / vamin * self.pix_lib_phas.get_sim(idx, idf=2)
[docs] class cmb_maps_harmonicspace(object): r"""CMB simulation library combining a lensed CMB library and a transfer function Note: In this version, maps are directly produced in harmonic space with possibly non-white but stat. isotropic noise Args: sims_cmb_len: lensed CMB library (e.g. *plancklens.sims.planck2018_sims.cmb_len_ffp10*) cls_transf: dict with transfer function for 't' 'e' and 'b' CMB fields cls_noise: dict with noise spectra for 't' 'e' and 'b' noise_phas: *plancklens.sims.phas.lib-phas* with at least 3 fields for the random phase library for the noise generation lib_dir(optional): hash checks will be cached, as well as possibly other things for subclasses. nside: If provided, maps are returned in pixel space instead of harmonic space Note: lmax's of len cmbs and noise phases must match """ def __init__(self, sims_cmb_len, cls_transf:dict, cls_noise:dict, noise_phas:plancklens.sims.phas.lib_phas, lib_dir=None, nside=None): assert noise_phas.nfields >= 3, noise_phas.nfields self.sims_cmb_len = sims_cmb_len self.cls_transf = cls_transf self.cls_noise = cls_noise self.phas = noise_phas self.nside = nside if hasattr(sims_cmb_len, 'lmax'): assert self.sims_cmb_len.lmax == self.phas.lmax, f"Lmax of lensed CMB and of noise phases should match, here {self.sims_cmb_len.lmax} and {self.phas.lmax}" if lib_dir is not None: fn_hash = os.path.join(lib_dir, '') if mpi.rank == 0 and not os.path.exists(fn_hash): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(fn_hash, 'wb'), protocol=2) mpi.barrier() hash_check(self.hashdict(), pk.load(open(fn_hash, 'rb'))) def hashdict(self): ret = {'sims_cmb_len':self.sims_cmb_len.hashdict(), 'phas':self.phas.hashdict()} for k in self.cls_noise: ret['noise' + k] = clhash(self.cls_noise[k]) for k in self.cls_transf: ret['transf' + k] = clhash(self.cls_transf[k]) return ret
[docs] def get_sim_tmap(self,idx): """Returns temperature healpy map for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: Temperature alm's or Temperature healpy map if nside is given """ assert 't' in self.cls_transf tlm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_tlm(idx) hp.almxfl(tlm,self.cls_transf['t'],inplace=True) tlm += self.get_sim_tnoise(idx) if self.nside: return hp.alm2map(tlm, self.nside) return tlm
[docs] def get_sim_pmap(self,idx): """Returns polarization healpy maps for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: Elm and Blm or Q and U healpy maps if nside is given """ assert 'e' in self.cls_transf assert 'b' in self.cls_transf elm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_elm(idx) blm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_blm(idx) hp.almxfl(elm, self.cls_transf['e'], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(blm, self.cls_transf['b'], inplace=True) elm += self.get_sim_enoise(idx) blm += self.get_sim_bnoise(idx) if self.nside is not None: return hp.alm2map_spin([elm,blm], self.nside, 2, hp.Alm.getlmax(elm.size)) return elm, blm
def get_sim_tnoise(self,idx): assert 't' in self.cls_noise return hp.almxfl(self.phas.get_sim(idx, 0), np.sqrt(self.cls_noise['t'])) def get_sim_enoise(self, idx): assert 'e' in self.cls_noise return hp.almxfl(self.phas.get_sim(idx, 1), np.sqrt(self.cls_noise['e'])) def get_sim_bnoise(self, idx): assert 'b' in self.cls_noise return hp.almxfl(self.phas.get_sim(idx, 2), np.sqrt(self.cls_noise['b']))