Source code for plancklens.qecl

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import pickle as pk

from plancklens.helpers import mpi, sql
from plancklens import utils

[docs] class library(object): r"""QE estimators (cross-)power spectra library template. This combines two QE estimators instances and a set of mean-field estimates to produce raw power spectra. Args: lib_dir: spectra will be cached in lib_dir qeA: first QE instance (from *plancklens.qest*) qeB: second QE instance mc_sims_mf: simulation indices to use for the mean-field subtraction. *mc_sims_mf[0::2]* are used on the first spectrum leg, *mc_sims_mf[1::2]* on the second. This simple implementation produces spectra as :math:`\frac{1}{(2L + 1)f_{\rm sky}} \sum_{M} \hat \phi_{LM}^A \hat \phi_{LM}^{B\dagger}` after mean-field subtraction. """ def __init__(self, lib_dir, qeA, qeB, mc_sims_mf): self.lib_dir = lib_dir self.prefix = lib_dir self.qeA = qeA self.qeB = qeB self.mc_sims_mf = mc_sims_mf fsname = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'fskies.dat') hname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, '') if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(fsname): print('Caching sky fractions...') ms = {1: self.qeA.get_mask(1), 2: self.qeA.get_mask(2), 3: self.qeB.get_mask(1), 4: self.qeB.get_mask(2)} assert np.all([m.shape == ms[1].shape for m in ms.values()]), (m.shape for m in ms.values()) fskies = {} for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]: for j in [1, 2, 3, 4][i - 1:]: fskies[10 * i + j] = np.mean(ms[i] * ms[j]) fskies[1234] = np.mean(ms[1] * ms[2] * ms[3] * ms[4]) with open(fsname, 'w') as f: for lab, _f in zip(np.sort(list(fskies.keys())), np.array(list(fskies.values()))[np.argsort(list(fskies.keys()))]): f.write('%4s %.5f \n' % (lab, _f)) if not os.path.exists(hname): if not os.path.exists(self.lib_dir): os.makedirs(self.lib_dir) pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(hname, 'wb'), protocol=2) mpi.barrier() utils.hash_check(pk.load(open(hname, 'rb')), self.hashdict(), fn=hname) self.npdb = sql.npdb(os.path.join(lib_dir, 'cldb.db')) fskies = {} with open(fsname) as f: for line in f: (key, val) = line.split() fskies[int(key)] = float(val) self.fskies = fskies self.fsky1234 = fskies[1234] self.fsky11 = fskies[11] self.fsky12 = fskies[12] self.fsky22 = fskies[22] def hashdict(self): return {'qeA': self.qeA.hashdict(), 'qeB': self.qeB.hashdict(), 'mc_sims_mf': self._mcmf_hash()} def _mcmf_hash(self): return utils.mchash(self.mc_sims_mf) def get_lmaxqcl(self, k1, k2): return min(self.qeA.get_lmax_qlm(k1), self.qeB.get_lmax_qlm(k2))
[docs] def load_sim_qcl(self, k1, idx, k2=None, lmax=None): """Same as get_sim_qcl without triggering its calculation""" return self.get_sim_qcl(k1, idx, k2=k2, lmax=lmax, calc=False)
[docs] def get_sim_qcl(self, k1, idx, k2=None, lmax=None, recache=False, calc=True): """Returns QE (cross-)power spectrum for a simulation index. Args: k1: QE anisotropy key 1 idx: simulation index k2: QE anisotropy key 2 (defaults to k1) lmax: optionally reduce the output to multipole lmax calc: calculates it if not done already. Otherwise throws an error if set to False Returns: QE power spectrum (1d array) """ if k2 is None: k2 = k1 assert k1 in self.qeA.keys and k2 in self.qeB.keys, (k1, k2) assert idx not in self.mc_sims_mf, idx lmax_qcl = self.get_lmaxqcl(k1, k2) lmax_out = lmax or lmax_qcl assert lmax_out <= lmax_qcl if idx >= 0: fname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_qcl_k1%s_k2%s_lmax%s_%04d_%s.dat' % (k1, k2, lmax_qcl, idx, self._mcmf_hash())) else: assert idx ==-1 fname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_qcl_k1%s_k2%s_lmax%s_dat_%s.dat' % (k1, k2, lmax_qcl, self._mcmf_hash())) if calc: recache=False if calc and (self.npdb.get(fname) is None or recache): qlmA = self.qeA.get_sim_qlm(k1, idx, lmax=lmax_qcl) if (k1 == k2) and (self.qeA is self.qeB): qlmB = np.copy(qlmA) else: qlmB = self.qeB.get_sim_qlm(k2, idx, lmax=lmax_qcl) qlmA -= self.qeA.get_sim_qlm_mf(k1, self.mc_sims_mf[0::2], lmax=lmax_qcl) qlmB -= self.qeB.get_sim_qlm_mf(k2, self.mc_sims_mf[1::2], lmax=lmax_qcl) if recache and self.npdb.get(fname) is not None: self.npdb.remove(fname) self.npdb.add(fname, self._alm2clfsky1234(qlmA, qlmB, k1, k2)) del qlmA, qlmB return self.npdb.get(fname)[:lmax_out + 1] / self.fskies[1234]
[docs] def get_sim_stats_qcl(self, k1, mc_sims, k2=None, recache=False): """Returns the average of QE power spectra Args: k1: QE anisotropy key 1 mc_sims: the simulation indices to average the spectra over k2: QE anisotropy key 2 (defaults to k1) Returns: *plancklens.utils.stats* instance """ if k2 is None: k2 = k1 tfname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, '' % (k1, k2, utils.mchash(mc_sims))) if not os.path.exists(tfname) or recache: stats_qcl = utils.stats(self.get_lmaxqcl(k1, k2) + 1, docov=False) for i, idx in utils.enumerate_progress(mc_sims, label='sim_stats qcl (k1,k2)=' + str((k1, k2))): stats_qcl.add(self.get_sim_qcl(k1, idx, k2=k2)) pk.dump(stats_qcl, open(tfname, 'wb'), protocol=2) return pk.load(open(tfname, 'rb'))
def _alm2clfsky1234(self, qlm1, qlm2, k1, k2): return hp.alm2cl(qlm1, alms2=qlm2)
[docs] class average: """From a list of QE spectra libraries, produces a qecl average library. Args: lib_dir: spectra will be cached in lib_dir qcls_lib: list of *plancklens.qecl* instances """ def __init__(self, lib_dir, qcls_lib): self.lib_dir = lib_dir self.qclibs = qcls_lib hname = os.path.join(lib_dir, '') if mpi.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): os.makedirs(lib_dir) if not os.path.exists(hname): pk.dump(self.hashdict(), open(hname, 'wb'), protocol=2) mpi.barrier() utils.hash_check(pk.load(open(hname, 'rb')), self.hashdict(), fn=hname) self.mc_sims_mf = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate([qcl.mc_sims_mf for qcl in self.qclibs]))) def hashdict(self): return {'qcl_lib %s'%i : qclib.hashdict() for i, qclib in enumerate(self.qclibs)} def get_lmaxqcl(self, k1, k2): return np.min([qclib.get_lmaxqcl(k1, k2) for qclib in self.qclibs])
[docs] def get_sim_qcl(self, k1, idx, k2=None, lmax=None): """Returns QE (cross-)power spectrum average for a simulation index. Args: k1: QE anisotropy key 1 idx: simulation index k2: QE anisotropy key 2 (defaults to k1) lmax: optionally reduce the output to multipole lmax Returns: QE power spectrum average (1d array) """ if lmax is None: lmax = self.get_lmaxqcl(k1, k2) ret = self.qclibs[0].get_sim_qcl(k1, idx, k2=k2,lmax=lmax) for qclib in self.qclibs[1:]: ret += qclib.get_sim_qcl(k1, idx, k2=k2,lmax=lmax) return ret / len(self.qclibs)
def get_dat_qcl(self, k1, k2=None, lmax=None): if lmax is None: lmax = self.get_lmaxqcl(k1, k2) ret = self.qclibs[0].get_dat_qcl(k1, k2=k2,lmax=lmax) for qclib in self.qclibs[1:]: ret += qclib.get_dat_qcl(k1, k2=k2,lmax=lmax) return ret / len(self.qclibs)
[docs] def get_sim_stats_qcl(self, k1, mc_sims, k2=None, recache=False, lmax=None): """Returns the sim-average of the input *plancklens.qecl* list QE power spectra average Args: k1: QE anisotropy key 1 mc_sims: the simulation indices to average the spectra over k2: QE anisotropy key 2 (defaults to k1) Returns: *plancklens.utils.stats* instance """ if k2 is None: k2 = k1 if lmax is None: lmax = self.get_lmaxqcl(k1, k2) tfname = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, '' % (k1, k2, lmax, utils.mchash(mc_sims))) if not os.path.exists(tfname) or recache: stats_qcl = utils.stats(lmax + 1, docov=False) for i, idx in utils.enumerate_progress(mc_sims, label='building sim_stats qcl (k1,k2)=' + str((k1, k2))): stats_qcl.add(self.get_sim_qcl(k1, idx, k2=k2, lmax=lmax)) pk.dump(stats_qcl, open(tfname, 'wb'), protocol=2) return pk.load(open(tfname, 'rb'))